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[原创]全兼容Xilinx USB 下载电缆

产品介绍: 本下载电缆适用于Xilinx CPLD/FPGA芯片的下载调试。 支持JTAG、Slave Serial下载模式。与Xilinx Platform USB Cable完全兼容 详细介绍: 1.目标器件VCC兼容+1.5 VDC to +5 VDC 2.可配置所有Xilinx器件 3.支持iMPACT 和ChipScope 4.支持JTAG和Slave Serial配置模式 5.目标器件下载时钟可选,最高可达24 MHz 6.LED状态指示灯指示目标器件电源状态 7.使用方便: 只有要USB 口的计算机都可以,无需并口。 关于质保和技术支持: 质量问题,产品本身1个月保换,一年免费维修。 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 以下是XILINX原厂电缆的资料 Platform Cable USB 点击查看大图。 Xilinx is now offering a Pb-Free (RoHS compliant) USB compatible cable for in-circuit configuration and programming of all Xilinx devices. Platform Cable USB is certified by the USB Implementors Forum (USB-IF). It has industry-leading performance and is compatible with Full Speed (USB 1.1) and Hi-Speed (USB 2.0) ports. This product will address the new generation of PCs that have eliminated legacy IEEE 1284 parallel ports. Buy Now! - visit the Xilinx Online Store or contact your local distributor. 安装驱动 USB cable FAQ Firmware History Platform Cable USB Data Sheet (PDF) 简介 (PDF) Feature Benefits to Customers (PDF) 设备支持 Virtex-4 Virtex-II Pro Virtex-II Virtex-E Virtex Spartan-3E Spartan-3 Spartan-IIE Spartan-II Spartan CoolRunner-II CoolRunner XPLA3 XC9500XV XC9500XL XC9500 Platform Flash XC18Vxx Series 软件需求 Windows XP Windows 2000 Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (32-bit) or later 关键特性 True plug-and-play Bus-powered USB device (no power supply required) Selectable target clock frequency up to 24 MHz Compatible with Full-Speed and Hi-Speed USB ports USB-IF certified Firmware downloadable over cable Target power status LED CE and FCC compliant Compatible with target voltages in the range of +1.5 VDC to +3.3 VDC iMPACT and ChipScope support in ISE 6.3.03i (Windows only) Linux support in ISE 7.1i Supports Boundary Scan and Slave-Serial configuration modes Pb-Free (RoHS compliant) cable available: HW-USB-G 特别声明: 由于近期网络邮购部定单火爆,有很多电话咨询担心网络邮购的安全可靠,故本站发表声明如下! 本站为正规公司运做,信义可靠! 北京方面的客户可以直接来北京中关村中发2112柜台取货购买!(坐车到海淀黄庄下车,中发电子大厦2112柜)如何找到柜台请点这里 不方便到柜台的客户可以选择银行汇款邮购,免去您的奔波劳碌。本站有大量发货单据可证明邮购的真实性! 查看发货单据请点这里 具体购买及汇款方式请登陆我们网站: 网址:/xw/bzxw/200602/198.asp查看 如何汇款购买请点这里 详细情况也可拨打电话咨询: 电话: 010-51299598 62535108-11 FAX:010-62538108-17 010-82625208 手机:13671276968 公司门市地址:北京市海淀区中发电子大厦2楼2112柜台 网址: http://www.dz51.cn http://www.dz51.com E-Mail: dz51.com@163.com dz51123@sohu.com dz51123@sina.com sunjingyun488@sohu.com QQ:349646210 (dz51验证) MSN:dz51.com@163.com


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