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本帖最后由 jarry_515 于 2010-11-14 04:58 编辑


1。Linux Programming by Example这本书用大量的例子来介绍Linux编程,是入门级很不错学习资料。
This book is intended for the person who understands programming and is familiar with the basics of C, at least on the level of The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie. (Java programmers wishing to read this book should understand C pointers, since C code makes heavy use of them.) The examples use both the 1990 version of Standard C and Original C.
In particular, you should be familiar with all C operators, control-flow structures, variable and pointer declarations and use, the string management functions, the use of exit(), and the <stdio.h> suite of functions for file input/output. You should understand the basic concepts of standard input, standard output, and standard error and the fact that all C programs receive an array of character strings representing invocation options and arguments. You should also be familiar with the fundamental command-line tools, such as cd, cp, date, ln, ls, man (and info if you have it), rmdir, and rm, the use of long and short command-line options, environment variables, and I/O redirection, including pipes. We assume that you want to write programs that work not just under GNU/Linux but across the range of Unix systems. To that end, we mark each interface as to its availability (GLIBC systems only, or defined by POSIX, and so on), and portability advice is included as an integral part of the text. The programming taught here may be at a lower level than you're used to; that's OK. The system calls are the fundamental building blocks for higher operations and are thus low-level by nature. This in turn dictates our use of C: The APIs were designed for use from C, and code that interfaces them to higher-level languages, such as C++ and Java, will necessarily be lower level in nature, and most likely, written in C. It may help to remember that "low level" doesn't mean "bad," it just means "more challenging."




二、Linux 系统开发

Linux Kernel Development (3rd Edition) .bmp

Linux Kernel Development details the design and implementation of the Linux kernel, presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those who wish to write and develop kernel code. This book is for anyone who wants a fun, practical approach to the Linux kernel.
The author, a core kernel developer, shares valuable knowledge andexperience on the very latest Linux kernel.
The book discusses the major subsystems and features of the Linuxkernel, including their design and implementation, their purpose andgoals, and their interfaces. Specific topics covered include: processmanagement, scheduling, time management and timers, system callinterface, memory addressing and management, caching layers, VFS, kernelsynchronization, debugging, and the kernel community.

The book covers the new 2.6 Linux kernel, and includes numerous sectionson its new features, such as the new O(1) scheduler, the new I/Oschedulers, the new block layer, and kernel preemption.
This book is an authoritative, practical guide that helps programmersbetter understand the Linux kernel, and to write and develop kernelcode.


Linux System Programming_EN.bmp

In this book, Robert Love has taken on the unenviable task of teaching the reader
about almost every system call on a Linux system. In so doing, he has produced a
tome that will allow you to fully understand how the Linux kernel works from a
user-space perspective, and also how to harness the power of this system.
x | Foreword
The information in this book will show you how to create code that will run on all of
the different Linux distributions and hardware types. It will allow you to understand
how Linux works and how to take advantage of its flexibility.
In the end, this book teaches you how to write code that doesn't suck, which is the
best thing of all.


3。Debugging Linux Systems

Debugging Linux Systems discusses the main tools available today to debug 2.6 Linux Kernels. We
start by exploring the seemingly esoteric operations of the Kernel Debugger (KDB), Kernel GNU
DeBugger (KGDB), the plain GNU DeBugger (GDB), and JTAG debuggers. We then investigate
Kernel Probes, a feature that lets you intrude into a kernel function and extract debug information
or apply a medicated patch. Analyzing a crash dump can yield clues for postmortem analysis of
kernel crashes or hangs, so we take a look at Kdump, a serviceability tool that collects a system
dump after spawning a new kernel. Profiling points you to code regions that burn more CPU
cycles, so we learn to use the OProfile kernel profiler and the gprof application profiler to sense the
presence of code bottlenecks. Because tracing provides insight into behavioral problems that manifest
during interactions between different code modules, we delve into the Linux Trace Toolkit, a
system designed for high-volume trace capture.


Understanding The Linux Kernel.bmp



Linux Embedded Systems.bmp

Today, Linux is included with nearly every embedded platform. Embedded developers can take a more modern route and spend more time tuning Linux and taking advantage of open source code to build more robust, feature-rich applications. While Gene Sally does not neglect porting Linux to new hardware, modern embedded hardware is more sophisticated than ever: most systems include the capabilities found on desktop systems. This book is written from the perspective of a user employing technologies and techniques typically reserved for desktop systems.
  • Modern guide for developing embedded Linux systems
  • Shows you how to work with existing Linux embedded system, while still teaching how to port Linux
  • Explains best practices from somebody who has done it before


Embedded  Linux Primer.bmp

This book brings together indispensable knowledge for building efficient, high-value, Linux-based
embedded products: information that has never been assembled in one place before. Drawing on
years of experience as an embedded Linux consultant and field application engineer, Christopher
Hallinan offers solutions for the specific technical issues you're most likely to face, demonstrates
how to build an effective embedded Linux environment, and shows how to use it as productively as



This book is intended first and foremost for the experienced embedded system designer
who wishes to use Linux in a current or future project. Such a reader is expected to be
familiar with all the techniques and technologies used in developing embedded systems,
such as cross-compiling, BDM or JTAG debugging, and the implications of dealing
with immature or incomplete hardware. If you are such a reader, you may want to skip
some of the background material about embedded system development presented early
in some sections. There are, however, many early sections (particularly in Chapter 2)
that you will need to read, because they cover the special implications of using the
Linux kernel in an embedded system.
This book is also intended for the beginning embedded system developer who would
like to become familiar with the tools and techniques used in developing embedded
systems based on Linux. This book is not an introduction to embedded systems, however,
and you may need to research some of the issues discussed here in an introductory














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